Bardonhill Instant Replay


Bitch - Born: 6 March 1982
AHT/KC DNA Tested PRA (rcd-1) free
Breeder: Marita Bott
Owner: Marita Bott
The COI for Erika is: 9.3%

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Brothers and Sisters
Bardonhill Chance Meeting
Bardonhill Crafty Cockney
Bardonhill Renaissance
Bardonhill Supertramp

Breeder Record
1. Born: 26/05/84  Sire: Sh.Ch.Brinara Inula 10 Puppies 
2. Born: 06/02/85 Sire: Sh.Ch. Brinara Inula 10 Puppies
3. Born 01/02/87 Sire: Sh.Ch.Wickenberry Knight at Arms 1 puppy 
4. Born: 15/10/88 Sire: Sh.Ch.Shandwick Starcarrier 6 puppies 

Show Awards

ParentsGrandparentsGreat GrandparentsG Great Grandparents
Sh.Ch. Scarletti Cockney Rebel Sh.Ch. Cornevon Stargem Sh.Ch. Twoacres Troilus Sh.Ch. Wendover Gentleman
Musbury Melisande Of Twoacres
Sh.Ch. Cornevon Primrose Sh.Ch. Cornevon Prince Charming
Cornevon Snowbunting
Margretwoods Conductress Sh.Ch. Scotswood Barabbas Wendover Game
Scotswood Hot Sensation
Bridget Of Castleoak Gaelge Gaffer
Jessica Of Castleoak
Moyna April At Bardonhill Moyna Jamie Wendover Murcury Wendover Derrycarne Pink Champagne
Wendover Scarlet Girl Of Kerrydene
Moyna Miss Molly Sh.Ch. Twoacres Troilus
Sh.Ch. Morningstar Melanie
Sh.Ch. Rickerscot Bridget Maguire Sh.Ch. Scotswood Barabbas Wendover Game
Scotswood Hot Sensation
Rickerscot Clover Colleen Gwas Bach Of Ballyrobin
Sowerhill Sally